Mariela Rajngewerc

Mariela Rajngewerc

Community and Training

Experience and Track Record

Mariela Rajngewerc is a postdoctoral researcher at the National Council for Scientific Research of Argentina (CONICET) and FAMAF (National University of Córdoba). Her research interest is bias analysis in machine learning models. Specifically, fairness metrics to evaluate bias in anonymization models of electronic medical records. She holds a degree in Mathematics from the University of Buenos Aires. During her PhD, at the University of San Martín, she worked on the development of wetland land cover maps using synthetic aperture radar image data and machine learning models. She also has experience as a teaching assistant.

Since 2020 she is part of MetaDocencia and since 2023 of Open Life Science (OLS).

Inside the team she has won the Illumination Award for her participation in new spaces and roles and her contribution of lucidity to all the projects she is part of.


  • Education
  • Mathematics
  • Machine Learning
  • Open Science
  • Ethics in AI


  • Ph.D. in Applied and Engineering Sciences, 2022

    Universidad Nacional de San Martín

  • Licenciate in Mathematical Sciences, 2016

    Universidad de Buenos Aires
