
Open Science Conversations Collective Reflections

In response to our community’s interest, in March 2024 we prepared a series of conversations to reflect on various topics related to Open Science. The aim was to collectively understand how we learn, apply, and what implications Open Science has for our region.

Learnings and Recommendations for More Inclusive Job Calls

In this publication, we share some lessons learned and a series of recommendations to promote fairer and more inclusive job search processes at different stages

Contributing to the discussion on the decolonization of health research

This post seeks to summarize the collaboration with the QUEST Center for Responsible Research.

Exploring NASA-TOPS in Community: Open Results

Paying attention to the various dimensions of open access in Latin America.

Creating Genuine Connections and Cultivating a Culture of Well-being in Team Events, Both In-Person and Virtual

At MetaDocencia we actively work to ensure that the management of work teams secures our well-being value. We seek to make well-being guide personnel management. In this post, we are going to share how we accomplish this.

Exploring NASA-TOPS in Community: Open Source Code

This time we reflect on open source code.

Exploring NASA-TOPS in Community: Open Data

We present a summary of the third meeting.

Exploring NASA-TOPS in Community: Open Tools and Resources

We present some records on open tools and resources, including notes from our rich synchronous exchange.

Exploring NASA-TOPS in Community: The “Ethos” of Open Science

Reflections that expand on what we have learned about the “Ethos” of Open Science.

Tips for getting invited to write for an academic journal

In this post, we give you some tips to get noticed by editors eager to publish your ideas.