MetaDocencia's Accessibility Profiles

In our mission and vision, Metadocencia is defined as “an inclusive and collaborative community” that develops “open, reusable and accessible resources”. To define different accessibility profiles for reviewing the materials we offer, we work with an accessibility team: Iván Gabriel Poggio, Mariela Rajngewerc, and Patricia A. Loto.

We know that it is always possible to improve our work, which is presented as dynamic and permanent, always keeping people at the center of our work.

We are open to suggestions for improvements and warnings of possible barriers to accessing our material. At the end of this note you will find an email address to write to us.

We present this first description of profiles of people with disabilities to organize the different requirements and share material accessible to the greatest number of people.

Difficulty using sight as a means of perception.

Description Action
Lost of vision Facilitate voice interaction.
Low vision Possibility of using a magnifying glass. Material with font size of at least 12 points for the text and 14 points for titles.
Color blindness Adequate contrast of at least 4.5. Use of shapes, textures, and any other element that helps distinguish information without resorting to color.

Difficulty using hearing to perceive information.

Description Action
Lost of hearing Captioning. If the mother tongue is sign language, interpretation in sign language; use of clear, simple, and concise written language, avoiding as far as possible unnecessary adornments that make understanding difficult.

Variable difficulty of interaction with the device.

Description Action
Difficulty with control and precision regarding the interactive use of the device in which the web is executed. Screen readers or similar specific software. Keyboard priority use.

Variable difficulty sustaining attention on a task for long periods of time.

Description Action
Variable difficulty sustaining attention on a task for long periods of time Easy-to-read content.
Task duration minimization. Frequent breaks (e.g., every 50 minutes).

Accessibility team email:


Patricia Andrea Loto
Patricia Andrea Loto
Community and Training
Mariela Rajngewerc
Mariela Rajngewerc
Community and Training
Alejandra Bellini
Alejandra Bellini