
Artificial Intelligence and Education: More Questions Than Answers [Updated]

We share many questions that we recommend you ask yourself when you see AI applied to Education.

Thinking Critically about Artificial Intelligence and Education [Updated]

We share some critical thoughts and ideas about the potential uses of AI in Education

How in-class assessments can improve learning

Studies on the use of formative assessments with university students consistently show improvements in performance.

What do we gain from a virtual meeting: content or experience?

We analyze the responses to the end-of-course surveys through a word cloud.

Share educational material and maintain authorship

Sharing your educational material so that others can use it is a powerful and generous idea. In this post we tell you how to do it while maintaining your authorship.

Teaching online, smoothly

In this post Mauro Lepore tells us about his experience teaching a course using what he learned at MetaDocencia.