Our vision

We work to make the production, communication, and application of scientific and technical knowledge equitable globally.

Our mission

To advance innovation with a local perspective that responsibly builds scientific and technical capacities through the co-creation of networks, learning spaces, and accessible resources for Spanish-speaking communities.

Our values


To work for and with other people, putting collective interests upfront any individual interest.


To act following these values, building and sustaining trust, through openness and transparency (with attention to privacy), and by being accountable for our actions.


To contribute to the progress of society through community and individual learnings.


To treat other folks with kindness, empathy and respect. We seek to understand each other and prioritize mental and physical health, to maintain a healthy and safe work environment.


To recognize our differences from other people and respectfully welcome all differences.


To open all doors for as many persons as possible, through universal accessibility to our resources and recognition for the work done.

Science and Research

To promote knowledge generation based on theory, reasoning, experience, and evidence.


To act responsibly and according to individual, collective, or regional criteria.


To adapt our actions to the different situations that may arise.
