MetaDocencia Accesibility Policy

The main premise of this accessibility policy is to ensure and promote, within the framework of MetaDocencia, a non-profit organization, the creation of accessible environments that favor the participation of all people under equal conditions in our community.

This policy proposes criteria and good practices of accessibility that configure a working framework for all persons in the MetaDocencia community so that anyone can participate and carry out their activities without being hindered or interrupted due to barriers in the work environment.

Through the implementation of this accessibility policy, MetaDocencia is committed to working responsibly toward ensuring compliance with the following:

  • All communication carried out from MetaDocencia’s different means or channels of communication, whether the institutional website, social media, or any other means of communication, is accessible to all target audiences. Acquiring goods and contracting services are done taking into consideration accessibility standards and criteria.

  • The members of the MetaDocencia team are aware of this accessibility policy and receive training on good accessibility practices in order to guarantee and encourage the participation of all people.

  • The services offered by MetaDocencia are anti-discriminatory and inclusive, regardless of age, gender, religion, ethnicity, language, identity, political affiliation, or any other individual characteristic of its community members.

We invite you to read our blogpost on accessibility profiles.

Accessibility Repository 2022-2023

Visit this repository published in Zenodo, written by the accessibility team, for more contents related to digital accessibility shared by MetaDocencia between 2022 and 2023.
