Mónica Alonso

Mónica Alonso

Community and Training

Experience and Track Record

Mónica has been part of the MetaDocencia team since 2022. She works as a Systems Analyst at Banco Ciudad (since 2015). She has been a co-organizer of R-Ladies Buenos Aires since 2018, and is also a Certified Software Carpentries Instructor. She collaborated in the Spanish translation of R and Python lessons in The Carpentries, the RStudio IDE and concept maps and cheatsheets. She also collaborated in the Spanish translation and revision of the following books: R for Data Science and Teaching Tech Together. She was part of the Organizing Committee of LatinR 2018 and 2020 and of the Scientific Committee of the Argentine Congress of Agroinformatics (CAI) in 2018 and 2020.

Within the team, Moni has won the Motor Award for her tireless enthusiasm, determination and perseverance, which act as fuel to take on challenges of all kinds.


  • Computer Science
  • Data Science
  • R / Python
  • Information retrieval


  • Specialist in Data Mining & Knowledge Discovery, 2018

    University Buenos Aires

  • Licenciate of Computer Science, 1985

    University Buenos Aires
